Change American Standard Furnace Filter

How to Change American Standard Furnace Filter

Comfort at home depends on many things and having a pleasant temperature inside is one. Your heating and cooling system’s performance results from several components efficiently working together. For instance, a clean and unclogged furnace filter will count for the condition and performance of the furnace.

Filters are essential components of the furnace that need regular checking, cleaning, or replacing. How do you know that you need to change the furnace filter? How do you replace your American Standard Furnace Filter? To these questions, we will answer below.

How to change the filter on the American Standard furnace?

Whether you have an American Standard furnace or other brands, you should always begin by switching off the furnace. Here’s what comes next:

  • Open the case where the filter is
  • Label the filter with the date you replace it and note the filter positioning for effortless replacement. Typically, the filter should have arrows that show how to insert it into the furnace.
  • Open or slide the door panel to gain access to the furnace
  • The filter should be near where the cool air enters the furnace, the cold air return duct, or the entrance to the blower chamber. Sometimes, it can be in both locations.
  • Slide-out and remove the current filter to replace it with a new filter.
  • See that the airflow arrows on the filter’s side are pointing the right way, toward the blower and away from the cold air.
  • Put the panel door back in its place

If you don’t know if the filter is disposable or permanent, simply take a good look at it. If the frame is made of plastic, it’s a permanent filter.

Why replace the furnace filter?

Furnace maintenance resembles insurance: it keeps the furnace running as expected all winter. It also improves the energy efficiency of the furnace. The reasons why you should replace the filter as often as necessary are many:

Dirty air filters harm you

A dirty air filter will let dust, dander, and mold travel throughout your house. You and your family will breathe the harmful particles that trigger asthma, allergies, and respiratory issues. A new furnace filter will efficiently block the contaminants and help you breathe fresher and cleaner air.

A clogged filter alters the system’s efficiency

A new and fresh furnace filter will help it operate as expected. When dust, dirt, and grime clog the air filter, the furnace and air conditioner will work twice as hard to push air throughout your house. The energy bills will increase and expand your footprint. Replacing the furnace filter is straightforward and affordable.

A clogged air filter shortens a furnace’s lifespan

The energy bill will increase when your furnace struggles and works harder to heat or cool your house. It’s only a matter of time until the furnace overheats and burns out. The strain put on the blower and the furnace will cause a premature failure of the heating system. A clogged air filter represents the no.1 reason for furnaces’ failures.

You don’t want to replace the furnace long before its time since a filter replacement is much cheaper and more accessible. Skipping filter maintenance will cost you far less than buying a new furnace.

Dirty air filter increases spending on maintenance

Even if the dirty air filter doesn’t make the furnace fail, it can still cause expensive maintenance. A blower that no longer works or ductwork that requires regular cleaning because of dust circulating in your house have an easy solution: air filter replacement.

A clean air filter keeps the house clean

A clean air filter will reduce the dust in your house as it will stop dust from circulating throughout the house. Less dust keeps the mouse clean and you no longer have to vacuum so often.

How do you know it’s time to replace the furnace filter?

If you don’t remember when you’ve changed the filter, look for the signs that it’s dirty and needs replacing (or cleaning, when applicable):

The energy bills increase

When the energy bill keeps increasing and you haven’t used any new appliance, a clogged furnace filter is one culprit to consider. Dirty filters cause insane bills. With fluctuating temperatures, keeping an eye on your energy consumption is tricky. Get a furnace filter to save up to 15% on your energy bills.

There’s a burning smell

The burning smell from your furnace comes from overheating the blower motor or the filter itself. You don’t want to deal with overheating, so make sure that enough air travels through the system. When dirt and dust clog the filter, airflow becomes restricted. You will sense a burning smell coming from the furnace. Replace them asap.

You get sick

Dirty furnace filters can be the reason for you getting sick frequently. As seasons change, sinus issues, allergies, and various health problems can occur. However, if you get sick after using the furnace, dirty indoor air could be the cause. Dirty filters can affect your health.

Less heat, longer runtime

Does the furnace need now more time to heat your home than a few months ago? When the furnace runs longer than typically, clogged and dirty filters might be the reason. When the filters are blocked, the furnace will no longer perform as expected and will struggle to warm your house.

Your house is dustier than before

Even if you vacuum and dust your home, as usual, you notice everything is dusty and dirty sooner than before. Dirt in the filter circulates back in your home because you haven’t been able to get it out from the root: the filter. Simply get and install a new filter on your furnace. The air will be fresh again and you won’t have to vacuum daily.

How Often Should I Change My Furnace Filter?

The furnace filter needs replacement every 90 days (or cleaned, if applicable). The filter must collect hair, dust, and small particles, so they don’t damage the furnace’s components. When there’s too much gunk, the airflow will be restricted and the furnace will eventually break down.

You should check out the filter every 30 days. Even if you shouldn’t wait more than 90 days to replace the filter, you might have to replace it more frequently.

When You Need To Change Your Furnace Filter More Often

Sometimes, furnace filters will need replacement more often than 90 days. Some factors will weigh-in for the frequency of filter replacement:


Most pets shed fur and dander, ending in the furnace filter. Replace the filter as often as necessary if you have furry animal friends.

Allergies and asthma

If you or any family member deals with allergies or asthma, dirty air from clogged filters can trigger and worsen their symptoms. People with breathing problems need clean, fresh air so replace the filters frequently to improve the indoor air quality.


If you’ve renovated your home, the indoor air is incredibly dusty and will clog the furnace filter. Replace the filter if that’s the case for you.

Intense HVAC use

When the temperatures are extreme (very hot or very cold), your furnace might be running all the time. Heavy use will generate more dust and clog the furnace, so prevent it with filter replacement.

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