How long does it take to install a furnace

How long does it take to replace a furnace?

The time technicians need to replace the furnace in a house varies from house to house. Typically, completing the furnace replacement will not take more than a day; most jobs will take between 4 and 10 hours. The main factors affecting the replacement process are the size and type of furnace that require replacement.

How long does it take to replace a furnace?

As long as the current ductwork is in good condition and doesn’t require replacing or repairing, the replacement process will be done in just one day. The average time is between 4 to 10 hours, according to the type and size of the furnace you install. HVAC technicians will need more time replacing large complex furnaces than installing smaller basic units.

Most modern combustion furnaces have a good life span, between 15 and 20 years. When you buy a new furnace, see that you get the proper size to meet your family’s needs for a long time. Also,

How does the replacement take place?

The technicians will start by turning off the old furnace’s electrical power and gas supply (if applicable). The first components that will go are the parts connected to the central furnace unit. The technicians will start disconnecting the venting, gas, lines, all electrical wiring, ductwork, and all components that are physically attached to the primary unit.

During this stage, the professionals will also prepare the area for installing the new furnace. Some of the tasks they will complete during this phase are:

  • Clean under the unit, which commonly has dirt and dust
  • Clean the entry points to the ductwork. Typically, dust and dirt will deposit in years of use. It’s not a deep ductwork cleaning, but it can still improve the condition and performance of ductwork and the entire HVAC system.
  • The technicians will also manage and clean the evaporator coil. It’s a quick and essential step to maintain the whole HVAC system performs smoothly after installation.
  • Should the area require changes to fit the new furnace (it depends on the size and orientation of the new furnace), the technicians will also manage this step. If the dimensions of the new furnace vary from the old furnace, the ductwork might need alterations to ensure proper airflow after installation.
  • The professional team will manage access as well. The HVAC technicians will perform all the necessary alterations according to the furnace’s filter housing, orientation, etc.

Should you hire a professional team to replace the current furnace and install a new one, you should expect all the mentioned steps.

When to Replace Your Furnace

Ideally, you want to install a new furnace after the current one dies. Sometimes, you will need to replace the furnace before its end life. Here are some signs that your furnace needs replacement:

The furnace makes unusual noises

Furnaces shouldn’t be loud when running. Even if they are not supposed to be completely silent, uncommon noises such as rattling, buzzing, or humming are signs that the furnace needs repairs or even replacement. Here are some noises that signal that your furnace needs professional attention:

  • Rattling—loose equipment or ducts can cause rattling noises. Contact an HVAC technician to investigate the furnace before the damage aggravates.
  • Screeching—when the furnace makes a sound, a damaged pulley or blower motor generates screeching noise.
  • Clicking—when the furnace starts and you hear a loud clicking noise, the sensor or igniter might need fixing.
  • Humming—if the furnace blower motor works correctly, a humming sound is expected. However, the furnace might need repair work if it’s louder than usual.

The furnace needs repairs more frequent

Over time, all appliances will require repairs more frequently, and the furnaces are no different. The more often the furnace needs repairs, the more likely it needs replacing. It’s expected that some parts wear out and require repairs or replacement. When the furnace doesn’t perform as it used to, you should contact a furnace technician for an inspection. He will decide if the furnace needs repair work or replacement.

Even if you stay on top with regular furnace maintenance, any furnace will need repair at some point. However, if the furnace needs professional servicing often, you need to consider replacing it.

If the furnace requires servicing more than once a year, you should look for a new furnace. The wear and strain on some sections of the furnace make some system parts fail. You can pay for repair work but throw money out the window. Replacing the furnace is the best decision and you shouldn’t wait until the system fails.

The heating bills are higher than usual

As furnaces age, they will have to work harder than usual to warm the house. The harder they work, the more energy they will need to heat the home. When the energy bills are higher than usual, the furnace might need a professional inspection. Some of its parts are probably worn out or even damaged. Sometimes, the furnace may cost you more money than it should without you even knowing it.

Constant wear and tear make furnaces less effective than in the beginning. The wear and tear on the system generate a more demanding working environment and make the furnace perform for more time than before to achieve and maintain the desired temperature. Unfortunately, the best solution is to replace the furnace.

Rooms are heating unevenly

If you notice that the temperatures aren’t even throughout the house, the system isn’t spreading heat evenly. There are many reasons why this happens. Typically it occurs when the furnace wears down and cannot keep up with the heating needs of your house. There will be cold spots throughout the house and you will never feel that the house is adequately heated.

Should you replace or repair the furnace?

Unless you run into an emergency furnace repair scenario, you want to save up before the new furnace installation. Even if you still need to have an HVAC technician inspect your furnace, here are some details to help you decide between replacement and repairs.


When the furnace is only 7 or 8 years old and operates most of the time efficiently, repair work is best. Most furnaces today will last more than two decades, so your furnace is only in the middle of its lifespan.

Also, if your furnace doesn’t need repairs often, you shouldn’t consider replacing the furnace. Of course, we discuss repair works for problems like clogged drain lines or defective ignition.

Repair is also the solution when the warranty covers the work. The price to repair the furnace is less than 50% of the cost of a new furnace and the risk for reoccurrence is minimal. We advise you to take the issue to an HVAC technician before proceeding with repair work.


When the furnace is more than 15 years old, replacing it is probably better than repairing it. A furnace that needs expensive repairs frequently needs replacement. Instead of paying the extra buck for repairs, you should consider buying a new furnace.

Also, if the energy bills are constantly increasing, without having no changes in your daily habits, the time you do the laundry, or how often you’re at home, signal that the furnace is less efficient than usual. As mentioned before, aged furnaces will struggle to perform efficiently and consume more energy than before. Replacing is the best solution.

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